Anti-Aging… My Top Recommendations

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Become strong, rooted and as timeless as a mountain!

Recently I got an email from a lovely soul enrolled in my Unlimited Email Plan

…She wanted to know what I recommended for Anti-Aging.

Wow… that’s a big topic!


So, I thought I’d share some of my approach with you on the blog today in the hopes that you might get a fresh idea or two to incorporate into your day.


Generally for anti-aging there are three angles you could focus on:


1 — skin (yes it’s superficial but still important and young skin just feels so lovely!)

2 — body/internal health


3 — the mind.


So, let’s go through some things you can do for each one:



1. Anti-Aging: The Skin

My main philosophy is to STOP ACCELERATING AGING… if we just stopped the aging acceleration brought on by UV exposure, environmental toxins, make up, stress, smoking, air pollution, etc… we’d look decades younger then societal norms by the time we were into old age.

So, here are some things to consider:


– support the intuitive function of your skin

– no smoking

– good hydration, to help the skin naturally protect and repair

– UV (midday exposure) avoidance and use of sunglasses and a hat

– UV protection for prolonged exposure (I recommend Miessence UV protection and here’s why…)

– all natural make up (I like 100% Pure and Miessence)

baking soda for exfoliation to increase skin turnover


coconut oil for moisturization that penetrates deep and isn’t full of skin irritating and aging chemicals

– discontinue all “anti-aging” products that are mainstream (here is why…)

– and for more tips, my Skin Happiness book awaits you here!



2. Anti-Aging: The Body

Your internal organs… again, these need the support of decreasing PREMATURE AGING due to constant and daily inflammatory damage.

The goal here is to decrease the inflammatory damage on your body over a lifetime… everything we *thought* was normal aging (dementia, arthritis, increase risk of heart disease and stroke, increased cancer incidence) is actually turning out to NOT be normal aging but instead is a result of a lifetime of inflammatory damage!

So… things to consider are:


– decrease sugar and gluten (irritants known to cause whole body and neurologic inflammation)

– hydrate fully and often

– antioxidants daily — fresh fruits and veggies, raw juices, supplements like Vit E, Vit C, CoEnzymeQ10

– increase healthy fats — fresh organic eggs, grassfed red meat, organic butter, whole fat yogurt, nuts, avocado, coconut oil, fish oil or Omega 3 supplements

– daily movement… the very best being walking daily

Earthing daily to decrease inflammation from head-to-toe and prevent age-related weight gain

– deep restorative sleep routinely — this keeps your entire body functioning as youthfully as possible and even wards off dementia… I recommend 9+ hours a night… here is a list of ways to sleep better tonight!

– Vit D supplementation — for cancer prevention (will be blogging about this in a few weeks!), cardiovascular health and more

detox cover

– probiotics for gut, skin, and mental health

– pH… focus on seasonal detoxes and pH resets — detoxing after recovering from a health challenge or illness is a really good idea, as well as routinely detoxing with the changing seasons… and in this easy detox program I go into the topic of pH as well as several other key detox steps!



3. Anti-Aging: The Brain…

Mental health — this falls under the use it or lose it category… much like our body we need to keep going or we stagnate.

So, consider be sure to focus on…


– constant re-evaluation of mindframe

– support of friends, family, social network

– downtime and saying no to activities and obligations that drain you

Healing Vortex Free Course

– letting go of that which no longer serves you to make room for the new (how to do that, you ask? Click over to watch the 2nd step of my FREE Healing Vortex video class here…)

– Fish oil/omega 3 supplementation (shown to actually increase brain volume!) Vit E, zinc, and Vit D all are great supplements that help body and mind

probiotics to boost mood

– healthy fats in the diet, as mentioned above

– decerease or elimentate Gluten as I mention in this blog post

– eat organically to decrease pesticide exposure, as I explain in this blog post

Earthing to help uplift mood

– declutter routinely, keeping your environment fresh and releasing the old

– ask for help when needed

– daily outdoor time/daytime light exposure (especially in early morning upon rising if possible)

– mental stimulation like word games, card games, reading, continuing adult education classes, playing a musical instrument, etc…

Looking at all three categories, the skin, body and mind… what area do you intuitively feel right now you need to focus on?

Which category would most help balance out your life right now?


Once you know that, just skim the list and pick two or three things that jump out at you as do-able, things you can easily add to your daily routine.

These two or three things will make all the difference in the world and will not only be Anti-Aging but PRO-YOUTH!!! Adding vitality to your current age and preserving that beautiful functioning for many years to come.

To your healthy and vibrant future…

xoxox, Laura