Medical Studies On 10 Immune Boosting Supplements You Should Know About

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There is a lot of information, and unfortunately a lot of misinformation, about using natural supplements to boost your immunity. Many supplements have anti-viral properties and are being extensively studied this very moment for their effectiveness in the face of our current pandemic, and I am going to link you directly to these studies below.

I wanted to give you direct links to the studies in the medical literature so that you can read it for yourself, as well as look at all the current clinical trials being conducted for each supplement.

Here are the top 10 most medically studied immune boosting supplements, in order of most studied to least studied.


Here we go:

10 Most Studied Supplements

To Support Your Health During This Pandemic:




1. Vitamin D


By far the most studied supplement, with the clearest benefit, is Vitamin D.

Here’s a list of medical studies that show why:

There are currently 18 ongoing clinical trials testing Vitamin D out for it’s therapeutic value in covid19 infections… you can take a look at those clinical trials right here.




2. Vitamin C


Coming in as the second most studied supplement is Vitamin C. Easily available in fresh citrus fruits, boosting your intake of Vitamin C can boost your resiliency.

Here’s why:

There are now at least 24 ongoing clinical trials looking into Vitamin C’s role in coronavirus infection — you can read those here.




3. Probiotics


Medical research is looking into the possible role of using probiotics as well… here’s more:

And right now, there are 5 ongoing clinical trials testing to see if taking probiotics has a clinically beneficial effect in covid19 patients… you can read those here.



4. Melatonin


The next most studied supplement to help protect your health is melatonin. Melatonin may play a role in the cytokine storm cascade during viral infection, here are some studies looking into this further:

Right now there is one ongoing clinical trail, looking at melatonin supplementation to protect front line healthcare workers from contracting coronavirus infection — you can read about that here.



5. Zinc


Much publicity has been made about the possible role of zinc in boosting immunity. Several medical studies have been published looking at zinc and immune function, and showing positive results:

There are currently 13 ongoing clinical trials looking at the efficacy of zinc in preventing or treating Covid19 infections — you can read those here along with this interesting study testing IV zinc for coronavirus infection treatment.



6. Black Cumin Seed Oil


Here is a lesser known but incredibly interesting supplement that has been shown in several medical studies to effectively decrease Covid19 replication: black cumin seed oil, also known as Nigella sativa.

Here are some new medical studies looking into the antiviral properties of Black Cumin Seed oil:

There is enough encouraging results from black cumin seed oil that there are now two ongoing clinical trials testing the use of Nigella sativa against coronavirus infection — you can read those here.



7. Quercetin


Quercetin is a sort of “natural antihistamine” that I’ve long recommended to my patients who have seasonal allergies, as it helps decrease reactivity to allergens. So it makes sense that quercetin may play a role in decreasing the hyper-reactivty that lungs have in response to infection.

Medical studies looking at quercetin include:

Currently there is one ongoing clinical trial looking at quercetin’s role on preventing and treating covi19 cases — which you can read about right here.



8. Curcumin


Curcumin is one of my favorite anti-inflammatories of all time. So it makes me so happy to see that curcumin is now being investigated as a therapeutic agent to keep the hyper-inflammatory response to of the body at bay.

Here are some great medical studies you can read:

Unfortunately there is currently only one single ongoing clinical trial looking at a combination treatment (that includes curcumin) to treat patients with active covid19 infections — you can read that here.


9. Echinacea


There are a few medical studies looking at the anti-viral properties of echinacea… but no current clinical trail as of yet. Studies that may interested you include:

No current Covid19 clinical trials.



10. Glutathione


Ever since news that this New Yorker seems to have massively improved after taking large does of glutathione during her illness, there have been a lot of talk over glutathione’s role, if any, in preventive care.

Unfortunately, the medical studies on this supplement are slim and there are currently no ongoing clinical trials investigating it’s role in covid19 therapy.

No current Covid19 clinical trials.


On The Radar:

Recent Medical Studies On Silver:





There have been many medical studies over the years that show the antimicrobial properties of silver, like these:
More recent studies have tested silver’s antimicrobial effects on live coronavirus.
  • This article, published in 2005, showed that live coronavirus dropped to levels that that were undetectable after exposure to silver.
And the latest study (pre-print submitted) shows silver embedded fabric resulted in “quick and efficient” eradication of coronavirus. This one is so new that it is still a preliminary report — submitted for peer-review — but should not be regarded as conclusive:
I’ll directly quote the authors of the medical study, as they advocate that silver embedded fabric become the “material of choice for the development of PPE in the fight against COVID-19.” This means these researchers are suggesting that face masks, gowns and other protective gear be embedded with antimicrobial metals and tested for use in healthcare workers. That’s a topic to keep a watch on in the medical literature as more tests are conducted on the role of silver and other antimicrobials in fabrics.

To boosting your resilient and innate health… naturally!

xoxox, Laura